Tesla Model Y Owners & Service Manuals

Tesla Model Y: Braking and Stopping


 Braking Systems

WARNING: Properly functioning braking systems are critical to ensure safety. If you experience a problem with the brake pedal, brake calipers, or any component of a Model Y braking system, contact

 Emergency Braking

In an emergency, fully press the brake pedal and maintain firm pressure, even on low traction surfaces. The ABS varies the braking pressure to each wheel according to the amount of traction availab

 Regenerative Braking

Whenever Model Y is moving and your foot is off the accelerator, regenerative braking slows down the vehicle and feeds any surplus power back to the Battery. By anticipating your stops and reducing


 Emergency Lane Departure Avoidance

Emergency Lane Departure Avoidance automatically applies steering to avoid a potential collision in situations where: Model Y is departing a lane and may collide with a vehicle traveling in the same direction in the adjacent lane (regardless of the status of the turn signal). Model Y is dep


Smart Summon is unlikely to operate as intended in the following types of situations: GPS data is unavailable due to poor cellular coverage. The driving path is sloped. Smart Summon is designed to operate on flat roads only (up to 10% grade). A raised concrete edge is detected. Depending on

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