Tesla Model Y: Navigating to a Destination
To navigate to a location, touch the search bar in the
corner of the map and enter a destination, send the
destination from your phone, or speak a voice command
(see Voice Commands). You can enter or
speak an address, landmark, business, etc. When you
touch the search bar, you can also choose from the
following types of locations:
- A saved Home or Work location (see Home, Work,
and Favorite Destinations ).
- A Charging destination (see Charging Locations ).
- A Recent destination (the most recent destination is
listed at the top).
- A destination you have marked as a Favorite (see
Home, Work, and Favorite Destinations).
- A popular restaurant when you're feeling Hungry or a
popular destination (such as museums and
amusement parks) when you're feeling Lucky (see I'm
Feeling Lucky, Hungry).
NOTE: If a data connection is not available, onboard
maps allow you to navigate to any destination, but you
must enter the exact and complete address.
NOTE: You can start navigation remotely from your IOS
or Android device using the "share" functionality on
your device after allowing access to the Tesla mobile
When you specify a location, the touchscreen zooms out
to provide an overview of the route you need to travel
and displays a turn-by-turn direction list. Estimated
arrival time, driving time, and mileage displays at the
bottom of the direction list. Note the following about the
turn-by-turn direction list:
- The Battery icon on the turn list provides a visual
representation showing an estimate of how much
energy will remain when you reach your destination,
and how much will remain if you make a round trip
back to your current location. See Predicting Energy
- If charging is needed to reach your destination and
Trip Planner is enabled (and available in your market
region), the navigation route automatically includes
Supercharger stops (see Trip Planner).
- If you won't have enough energy to reach your
destination and there is no Supercharger on the
route, an alert tells you that charging is needed to
reach your destination.
- Each turn is preceded by the distance to the
- To see the bottom of the list, you may need to drag
the list upward.
- Touch the top of the list to minimize it.
While navigating, the map tracks your location and
displays the current leg of your trip. You can display the
entire route at any time by swiping down to expand the
turn-by-turn direction list or touching the route overview
If Navigate on Autopilot (if available in your market
region) is enabled, you can turn it on for the navigation
route by touching Navigate on Autopilot in the turn-by-
turn direction list. Navigate on Autopilot is a full self-
driving (Beta) feature that automatically changes lanes
and steers Model Y along a navigation route, exiting
controlled-access highways, etc. For details, see
Navigate on Autopilot.
To stop navigating, touch END, located in the bottom
corner of the turn-by-turn direction list.
After you have entered a destination, you can edit your
route by adding, deleting or reordering stops. Touch the
three dots at the bottom of the turn-by-turn direction
list to view options to edit
NOTE: "I'm Feeling Lucky" and "I'm Feeling Hungry" may
not be available in all market regions and on all vehicle
In addition to navigating to a destination of your choice,
Model Y c
To display charging locations on the map, touch the
map's search bar, then touch Charging. Charging
locations are shown in a list (with the closest charging
location at the top of the list) and rep
Model Y monitors the area in front of it for the presence
of an object such as a vehicle, motorcycle, bicycle, or
pedestrian. If a collision is considered likely unless you
take immediate corrective action, Forward Collision
Warning is designed to sound a chime and highlight the
vehicle in fron
To increase security, you can prevent Model Y from
being driven until a 4-digit PIN (Personal Identification
Number) is entered. To enable this setting, touch
Controls > Safety > PIN to Drive and follow the on-
screen prompts to create a driving PIN.
When enabled, in addition to entering t